about 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
blood drive image
about 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
Registration for new and returning students will open on Tuesday, July 20th. https://www.emsd37.org/article/493720
about 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
Please take the survey here: https://bit.ly/3r9ZtO4
about 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
Drive-thru school supply giveaway!
about 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
school supply give away
These positions, along with several others are available on our district website, www.emsd37.org/jobs.
about 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
All EMSD Board of Education info can be found here: https://www.emsd37.org/page/boe
about 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
BOE Meeting Schedule
about 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
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EMSD has several job opportunities for the 2021-22 school year. More info available here: https://www.applitrack.com/emsd37/onlineapp/jobpostings/view.asp?internaltransferform.Url=
about 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
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We are pleased to be able to share with you a new resource for families in our community.
about 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
food pantry image
REMINDER... Online registration for NEW and RETURNING students will open on July 20th. More info to come for new student registration. Returning student registration info can be found here: https://www.emsd37.org/page/student-registration-21-22
about 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
Let’s close the #DigitalDivide now w/ discounts on internet service for families trying to get connected during the pandemic. Proud to spread the word about @FCC’s Emergency Broadband Benefit with @HeartlandFwd. See if you qualify & learn more: https://getemergencybroadband.org/
about 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
internet discount
The Child Tax Credit Monthly payments for families with kids. https://www.emsd37.org/article/481823
about 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
2021-22 EMSD School Supply Lists https://www.emsd37.org/article/479947
about 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
Corrected Zoom link for the School Board Meeting tonight at 6:30pm. https://zoom.us/j/98948080816?pwd=dVQrYkxaREVNZE5BVUQ4TzExSi9FQT09
about 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
EMSD Board of Education Meeting: Monday, June 14th - 6:30pm. In-person at the Admin Building or online. Zoom link available in the agenda... https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1322532/June_14__2021_-_Board_of_Education_Regular_Meeting_Agenda.pdf
about 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
board of education meeting graphic
EMSD Board of Education Notice of Meeting Date Change https://www.emsd37.org/article/478763
about 3 years ago, Jessica Lang