over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
All are welcome to join us through Zoom for our Hillcrest PTO Meeting! TONIGHT, January 12th at 06:30pm https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73876067885?pwd=enJTcWNQbVdubW5XSXZ4L2lyOER3QT09 Meeting ID: 738 7606 7885 Passcode: CdMP9i
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
Hillcrest PTO graphic
Important reminders as we return to in-person/blended learning this week.
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
important reminders
Reminder for EMSD Anywhere (online only) students and families...
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
Materials pick up English flyer
Materials pick up Spanish flyer
This week we are excited to feature Ms. Layer, who is currently teaching 2nd grade in our Hillcrest Spotlight. Ms. Layer has been a great leader at Hillcrest & throughout the district. She has served on various committees: PBIS, BLT, District Leadership, Sunshine, & also co-chaired Coffee Club & our Culture Climate committee. Ms. Layer always puts students first & has a wonderful rapport with students and families. Thank you Ms. Layer for all that you do! #EMSD37Pride
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
Spotlight graphic
Reminder for EMSD Anywhere (online only) students... Supply pick-up is today and tomorrow.
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
Supply pick up flyer
Remote Learning Supply Distribution
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
Remote Learning Distribution graphic
We are excited to celebrate Mrs. Misner in our Hillcrest Spotlight this week. Mrs. Misner is currently a self-contained teacher at Hillcrest. Mrs. Misner goes out of her way to help support students and parents in any way that she can. She has also been an amazing mentor to new Sped and Resource teachers at Hillcrest and throughout the district. We are lucky to have Mrs. Misner on our Hillcrest team.
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
Spotlight graphic
Welcome back from Winter Break!! EMSD will resume Remote Learning TOMORROW, January, 4th.
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
January 2021 Calendar
Hillcrest Elementary staff wishes you and your family Happy Holidays!
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
Happy Holidays from Hillcrest pic
EMSD's Winter Break will be December 19th - January 3rd. Remote Learning will resume on January 4th. In-person Hybrid Learning will resume on January 12th. To all our students, families, and staff, EMSD wishes you all Happy Holidays!
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
December & January Calendar
A special thanks to Hillcrest Staff & Foss's Fundraising Friends for donating 12 necessity baskets for Hillcrest families during the Holiday Season.
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
Donation picture
A special thanks to Collision Repair Center for donating 12 Holiday food baskets to Hillcrest families. Pictured: Keith Hazen, Janet Foss-Feuerbach, Faith Adams, Angie Blair, Tasha Schillinger, Kyle Chapman, Zach Ebener, Cristina Magadan, and Stephanie Christensen.
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
Hillcrest donation pic 1
Hillcrest Donation pic 2
EMSD Board of Education Meeting - Monday, December 14th, 6:30pm Zoom information available in the attached agenda. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1042613/12-14-20_BOE_Meeting_Agenda__1_.pdf
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
School Board Meeting graphic
We are excited to celebrate Mrs. Foss-Feuerbach in our Hillcrest Spotlight. Mrs. Foss-Feuerbach is currently a Resource teacher at Hillcrest. Mrs. Foss- Feuerbach goes above and beyond to support students academically, but has also been a tremendous leader in PTO, while partnering with the local community, and supporting families in need. Thank you Mrs. Foss-Feuerbach for always putting students and families first, we appreciate you! #EMSD37Pride
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
Spotlight graphic
A special thanks to South Moline Township for donating fifteen $75.00 Target gift cards to support Hillcrest families during the holidays. Pictured: Stephanie Christensen-Principal of Hillcrest & Tracy Best-Supervisor of South Moline Township
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
South Moline Township donation photo
Hi East Moline Families- We have one more week before a much deserved winter break. Join us and participate in a Winter Spirit Week starting Monday. Show up to your Google Meets in high spirits. Post your pictures on social media using #emsd37pride.
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
Winter Spirit Week
Good afternoon Hillcrest Families! Please remember to take attendance every day aside from any homework you may have. If you are unable to do this please call the office @ 815.414.9657. ¡Buenas tardes familias de Hillcrest! Favor de tomar asistencia todos los días aparte de ser las tareas. Si no puede hacer esto en línea favor de llamar a la oficina al 815.414.9605
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
We are excited to celebrate Mrs. Adams in our Hillcrest Spotlight. Mrs. Adams is currently an Intervention teacher, and has been teaching for 26 years. On a daily basis, Mrs. Adams goes above and beyond for students and staff. We appreciate her expertise, positivity, and professionalism.
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
Mrs. Adams Spotlight
EMSD's food distribution will continue each Monday for any child age 18 and under. Even if your child does not attend school or goes to a different district, you can pick up meals for FREE. Just show up at one of the following locations to take advantage of this great program!
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
Food Distribution flyer