Monday, February 1st is Parent Teacher Conferences. This is a NO SCHOOL day for EMSD students.
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
Parent Teacher Conference graphic
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
Good morning, East Moline School District Families. Due to the inclement weather, today will be an E-Learning Day in the East Moline School District. If your child is an in-person Tuesday/Thursday student, they need to log on for Google Meets today according to their schedule for remote learning. All other students should complete their normal remote learning work for the day. Thank you for your understanding as we keep our students and employees safe. Have a great day of E-Learning.
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
e-Learning Day graphic
This week's staff spotlight is Ms. DeBaene! We want to thank Ms. DeBaene for all she does at Ridgewood. She is passionate about helping our students regulate their emotions and working closely with them to make sure they have everything they need. #EMSD37Pride
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
Spotlight graphic
There will be no evening meal pick-up on Monday, January 25th.
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
January 25 Meal Site Pick-up flyer
Join us for our monthly Spirit Week January 25-29. We have loved seeing all of the creative participation throughout the entire district. If you choose, post your pictures on social media using #emsd37pride.
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
January 25-29 Spirit Week graphic
We are excited to announce that EMSD now has a Spanish Facebook page. Please Like and follow if you would like to view district communications in Spanish. Estamos encantados de anunciar que EMSD tiene ahora una pagina de Facebook en español. Por favor, dale le guasta y sigue si desea ver las comunicaciones de distrito en español.
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
Happy Birthday Mr. Mayszak!!
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
This week's staff spotlight is Mrs. Ramirez! We want to thank Mrs. Ramirez for all she does at Ridgewood. She is always hard at work in the front office, providing a friendly greeting to all visitors of the building. #EMSD37Pride
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
Spotlight graphic
Good morning! We are having a technical problem this morning that does not allow 4th graders to log on to their school Google accounts/Chromebooks. We will send an updated message when this is corrected. Until then, 4th graders who are learning at home today will not be able to access their school accounts and will not be marked tardy or absent for online work.
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
There will be NO SCHOOL for EMSD on Monday, January 18th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr Day.
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
MLK Jr Day graphic
We are loving our new app! Access Live Feeds/social media posts, cafeteria menus, news updates, school calendar, and Skyward, right from your pocket.
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
Today is the End of 2nd Quarter.
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
End of 2nd Quarter graphic
The East Moline and United Township School Districts, and Humility Homes and Services, will each receive $100,000 Transformation Grants thanks to the many donors who give generously to the Quad Cities Community Impact Fund at the Community Foundation.
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
Important dates for January...
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
January dates flyer
This week's staff spotlight is Ms. Zathang! We want to thank Ms. Zathang for all she does at Ridgewood. She is passionate about our bilingual students and building a passion for learning within her classroom. #EMSD37Pride
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
Spotlight graphic
This week will begin the return of partial in-person learning for hybrid students. Students who attend in person will attend their Tuesday/Thursday and Wednesday/Friday sessions at Ridgewood. Please remember that if your student is changing their method of instruction for the third quarter, Mr. Mayszak has called and briefed you on those changes beginning the week of January 18th. We have a few reminders as we come back in person for both in-person and remote students. Our second quarter will end this week on Friday, January 15. The third quarter will begin on Tuesday, January 19. Please make sure that if your student took home any school supplies to learn remotely, that they bring them back to use in person. Please make sure that your student has one of their gold tickets filled out by a guardian. They will need to give this ticket to staff upon arrival to certify that they do not have any symptoms, are not positive, and have not been in direct contact with someone who has COVID symptoms. If someone in your home is ever feeling unwell, please keep your student home and call the office. The nurse will need to discuss return timelines based on the provided information. Our policies and procedures from before will still hold true as we return. Students will be required to wear a mask at all times outside of meals, we will utilize social distancing, and continue heightened cleaning procedures and hand washing. Students that ride the bus will enter from the back of the school, while car riders and walkers will enter from the front. We are slightly changing our procedures for students that walk to school. They will come into the building and have their temperature taken inside the gym. This will be modeled when students arrive. School will begin at 7:40 am, with the tardy bell ringing at 8:00 am and school will end at 12:40 pm each day when students are in-person. We have a few brain breaks built into the day for students but will not be playing in the snow due to limited time during the school day. It is a time consuming process to change into winter clothing, transition outside, and then change back out of winter clothing. We also need to keep our hallways clear of winter clothing due to our enhanced cleaning and need for social distancing. We want to relay this information to you in order to alleviate the sending of snow pants to school. All of our time outside will be blacktop only when we are outside. There will be a third quarter material pick up for students that are remote on Monday, January 11 from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm and on Tuesday, January 12 from 1:00 pm-7:00 pm. This pick up is only for students who are remote during the third quarter. These packets can be picked up by going to the office at Ridgewood. Students that are in-person for the third quarter will receive their materials in their classrooms. Food distribution will continue to run on Mondays at Ridgewood from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm and at Glenview from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm. We look forward to seeing students back in the building this week.
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
3rd Quarter material pick up for Remote Only students will be at Ridgewood Elementary School on Monday, January 11 from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm and Tuesday, January 12 from 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Students that are hybrid/partially in-person learners will receive their materials in their classrooms.
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
3rd Quarter Material Pick up graphic
This week's Staff Spotlight is Mr. Lack! We want to thank Mr. Lack for all he does at Ridgewood. He is super organized and is always looking out for all students in the building! #EMSD37Pride
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
Spotlight graphic