Continuing full time remote graphic

Dear East Moline School District Families:

Due to the ongoing public health situation, the entire East Moline School District will remain in full-time remote learning through Friday, December 18. At this time, we are scheduled to return to in-person hybrid learning on Tuesday, January 5. Before that date, we plan to review local public health information and consult with the Rock Island County Health Department before we return for in-person hybrid learning. The safety of our students and employees is and will always be our first priority.

I am proud of the way our educators and students have adapted to the changes we have implemented to keep everyone safe. While not ideal, our students and teachers are doing a tremendous job with remote learning. News of a vaccine and therapeutic remedies give us hope, but we must remain strong so we can all be together again full-time and in-person. During this closure, all of our schools and busses have received enhanced cleaning and sanitization procedures and are ready for the eventual return of our students and employees. We ask everyone to please follow the IDPH and local guidelines and remain home as much as possible. Please remember to socially distance, wash your hands, and wear a mask. 

This time of year can be difficult for many of our families. The pandemic has undoubtedly added more stress to many of those situations. We want you to know that the East Moline School District is here to support you during these difficult times. We encourage you to reach out to your child’s teacher, school principal, or school counselor if we can support you in any way. Watch for further communication by Wednesday, December 30.

Yours for kids, 

Dr. Kristin Humphries, Superintendent

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