East Moline families, Please be sure to check your email and text messages for a link to a survey regarding your preferences for the fourth quarter of this school year (March 29 - May 28). The survey will be open through this Friday, and we would really appreciate your feedback. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
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over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
This week we are excited to celebrate Ms. Guzman in our Hillcrest Spotlight. Ms. Guzman is a dynamic bilingual Kindergarten teacher that makes learning fun and inviting! Ms. Guzman currently serves on PBIS and Culture Climate. Thank you Ms. Guzman for going above and beyond, we appreciate you! #EMSD37Pride
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
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Generosity of East Moline Couple Makes Difference for Local School Districts https://www.emsd37.org/article/405499
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
Hillcrest staff ending kindness week with Self-Love. Have a great weekend friends and family! #EMSD37Pride
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
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Give someone a helping hand... #EMSD37Pride
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
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YOU'VE GOT THIS! Blue for encouragement at Hillcrest. #EMSD37Pride
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
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Green for GRATITUDE at Hillcrest elementary today! #EMSD37Pride
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
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Picture Day info...
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
Picture Day flyer
Picture Day flyer Spanish
This week we are excited to celebrate Ms. Vickers in our Hillcrest Spotlight. Ms. Vickers is an amazing 1st grade teacher that continuously puts students and families first. Ms. Vickers currently serves on PBIS, Culture Climate committee, and is a district PLC leader. Thank you Ms. Vickers for going above and beyond, we appreciate you! #EMSD37Pride
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
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Join us in celebrating Kindness Spirit Week. We encourage all to wear the daily represented color and commit to the daily challenge. It’s going to be a great week in EMSD. #EMSD37Pride
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
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EMSD will still distribute meals tomorrow, Monday, February 15th. Pick-up location and time is the same as usual.
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
There's gnome one like you @ Hillcrest. #EMSD37Pride
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
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Staff sending positive and school spirit to our friends and families. #EMSD37Pride
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
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There will be NO SCHOOL TOMORROW, Friday, February 12th, due to Teacher Inservice, and NO SCHOOL on MONDAY, February 15th, due to Presidents' Day.
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
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Please thank Hillcrest cafeteria staff for providing meals to our students and families! You ROCK! #EMSD37Pride
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
Hillcrest cafeteria staff pic
The wonderful Mr. Gray taking care of our staff at Hillcrest. Thanks Mr. Gray for all that you do! #EMSD37Pride
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
Mr. Gray photo
This week we are excited to celebrate Mrs. Floming in our Hillcrest Spotlight. Mrs. Floming is a dynamic Kindergarten teacher that is full of energy and enthusiasm. She has been a tremendous leader in PLC’s and on our Building Leadership Team. Thank you Mrs. Floming for going above and beyond, we appreciate you! #EMSD37Pride
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
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"Why fit in when you were born to stand out!" -Dr. Seuss #EMSD37Pride
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
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