Veterans Day spirit week begins tomorrow!
about 1 month ago, Jessica Lang
Veterans Day graphic
REMINDER -Tonight is Parent/Teacher Conferences -There is NO SCHOOL TOMORROW, Friday, November 8th, due to AM Parent/Teacher Conferences
about 1 month ago, Jessica Lang
EMSD is celebrating Veterans Day week by wearing theme colors each day next week.
about 1 month ago, Jessica Lang
Veterans Day graphic
about 2 months ago, Jessica Lang
Be sure to schedule a time for Parent Teacher Conferences! Elementary schools/ELC will schedule with your teacher, Glenview will schedule through Skyward through 11/6/24. Skyward directions →
about 2 months ago, Jessica Lang
parent teacher conference graphic
Wells Elementary will have picture re-takes on Wednesday, November 6th.
about 2 months ago, Jessica Lang
picture day graphic
EMSD REMINDER -NO SCHOOL TOMORROW, Tuesday, November 5th - Election Day -November 7th - PM Parent-Teacher Conference -November 8th, NO SCHOOL - AM Parent-Teacher Conference
about 2 months ago, Jessica Lang
November calendar
October marks a special time in Illinois as we celebrate Principal Appreciation Month, a chance to recognize the incredible dedication and leadership of our school administrators. Here are some fun facts about your principal and associate principal.
about 2 months ago, Jessica Lang
Get to know your principal graphic
Get to know your principal graphic
Be sure to schedule a time for Parent Teacher Conferences! Elementary schools/ELC will schedule with your teacher, Glenview will schedule through Skyward between 10/30-11/6. Skyward directions →
about 2 months ago, Jessica Lang
parent teacher conference graphic
about 2 months ago, Jessica Lang
EMSD Board of Education Meeting - Monday, October 21st, 6:00 pm at Glenview Middle School Agenda →
2 months ago, Jessica Lang
school board meeting graphic
Today is the end of 1st Quarter.
2 months ago, Jessica Lang
end of quarter graphic
Downtown East Moline fun!!
2 months ago, Jessica Lang
Downtown East Moline flyer
2 months ago, Jessica Lang
employee of the month
We hope you enjoyed your fall break! EMSD is back to school tomorrow, Tuesday, October 15th.
2 months ago, Jessica Lang
back to school graphic
2 months ago, Jessica Lang
job posting
To register a participant or to ask questions, email Dr. Katie Brown at [email protected].
3 months ago, Jessica Lang
Friendship Island flyer
Fall Break is October 7th-11th, and there is no school on October 14th in observance of Columbus Day. School resumes on Tuesday, October 15th.
3 months ago, Jessica Lang
october calendar
REMINDER Today is an early dismissal day. Glenview will dismiss at 10:55 am, elementary schools will dismiss at 11:30 am. The UTHS Homecoming Parade will begin at 2:00 pm downtown East Moline.
3 months ago, Jessica Lang
3 months ago, Jessica Lang