Call 866-329-4701 with any questions. Visit for more information.
For more information, contact Nana Ouro-Agoro at 309-716-7437 or email [email protected].
2022-23 Registration Opens April 1st.
If you haven't already, please take a moment to complete the 5 Essentials Survey.
Kick-Start to Kindergarten
Attention families,
Now is a good time to log in to your Skyward Family Access account. Future instructions will be coming regarding online registration for the 22-23 school year. Online Registration is completed through Skyward Family Access.
If you do not remember your account password please use the Forgot Your Login link on the Skyward login page.
If you have a new email address please contact the school office to update this information.
If you have never accessed your Skyward Family Access account please contact the school office.
Remember to sign up with your healthcare provider to schedule your student’s physical for next year. Incoming kindergarteners and 6th graders are required to have a new physical.
Thank you.
Required Forms:
EMSD Board of Education Meeting: Monday, February 28th - 6:30pm
In-person or online. Register in advance for this webinar. Link below in the agenda.
February Newsletter
Read Across America:
#EMSD37Pride #ReadAcrossAmerica
Our phones and internet are back. We apologize the inconvenience.
Our internet and phones are down district wide at this time. We are currently working to resolve the problem. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Lexia Core Winners
REMINDER: There is NO SCHOOL on Monday, February 21st in observance of Presidents' Day.
New Covid-19 Guidance
New Covid-19 Guidance
Good morning:
Early this morning, the Illinois 4th District Appellate Court issued a ruling in the school mask debate. We are currently reviewing the guidance and will issue a statement and likely new guidelines later today. We appreciate your understanding and support as we continue to navigate the ever-changing circumstances.
Dr. Kristin Humphries, Superintendent
Register here if interested:
Please join us for this Facebook Live event, Inside The Heart Of The Classroom With Your Superintendents. TODAY at 3:00pm.
Save the date for our incoming kindergartners!