Covid testing & virtual doctor visits.
EMSD e-Learning Days
Wishing our EMSD students, families, and staff a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
We'll see you back at school on Monday, January 3rd.
Wishing our EMSD students, families, and staff Happy Holidays!
Wells December Newsletter
The EMSD #37 Board of Education has approved the 2022-23 School Year Calendar.
EMSD Board of Education Meeting: Monday, December 13, 6:35pm. In-person or online. Register in advance for this webinar. Link in attached agenda:
EMSD Book Give-Away
November Newsletter
REMINDER: EMSD will have no school November 24th-28th.
EMSD Book Give-Away (Please note the date change.)
EMSD Board of Education Meeting: Monday, November 15th, 6:30pm. In-person or online. Register in advance for this webinar. Link in attached agenda:
Thank you to all who have served. We are so grateful for your sacrifice.
At Wells, we encouraged students to bring in photos of veterans to remember. We had an amazing turn out of photos from students and staff.
We will always remember.
EMSD Book Giveaway
REMINDER: Veterans' Day (November 11th) is a normal school day. It will be observed on November 24th.
We had two Widcats earn a Positive Reward for using their Compliment Party free time to write each staff member an encouraging note. It was just what our staff needed!
We are glad all our Wildcats are here!
Important November Reminders -
4th: Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences
5th: NO SCHOOL, P/T Conferences
*All conferences will be virtual. If you haven't already, please contact your child's teacher to schedule your conference time.
24th-28th: NO SCHOOL
Please contact your student’s teacher with any questions.