There will be NO SCHOOL TOMORROW, Friday, February 12th, due to Teacher Inservice, and NO SCHOOL on MONDAY, February 15th, due to Presidents' Day.
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
February 2021 Calendar graphic
Mr. Baresel is the Wells Spotlight teacher of the week. Mr. Baresel is a hard working and passionate special education teacher. He goes above and beyond to ensure students are successful. We are very lucky to have Mr. B on our team! He brightens up everyone's day. Thank you for your dedication Mr. Baresel! #EMSD37Pride
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
Spotlight graphic
Catch up with the latest school news updates and social media posts (Live Feed). It’s everything East Moline School District, in your pocket. If you haven’t already, download the app on Android: or iPhone:
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
App Notification graphic
This week's spotlight teacher is Mrs. Kave. Mrs. Kave is the PE teacher at Wells. Our students are lucky to have someone so passionate about health and fitness. Mrs. Kave builds great relationships with all our students K-4. We appreciate you Mrs. Kave! #EMSD37Pride
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
Spotlight graphic
Monday, February 1st is Parent Teacher Conferences. This is a NO SCHOOL day for EMSD students.
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
Parent Teacher Conference graphic
Monday February 1st is parent teacher conferences. All conferences will be held remotely. This is a non-attendance day for students. If you still need a conference time please contact your student's teacher.
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
Wildcat Pride #emsd37pride
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
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A huge thank you to Mike from Living Lands & Waters for teaching some of our 4th graders the importance of taking care of our rivers! The story of Chad Pregracke's mission to clean up the Mississippi is always a good lesson about how one person's passion can make a big difference. Thanks to Chad, Mike and the whole awesome crew for all the work they do.
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
Living Lands & Waters pic
Good morning, East Moline School District Families. Due to the inclement weather, today will be an E-Learning Day in the East Moline School District. If your child is an in-person Tuesday/Thursday student, they need to log on for Google Meets today according to their schedule for remote learning. All other students should complete their normal remote learning work for the day. Thank you for your understanding as we keep our students and employees safe. Have a great day of E-Learning.
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
e-Learning Day graphic
There will be no evening meal pick-up on Monday, January 25th.
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
January 25 Meal Site Pick-up flyer
Join us for our monthly Spirit Week January 25-29. We have loved seeing all of the creative participation throughout the entire district. If you choose, post your pictures on social media using #emsd37pride.
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
January 25-29 Spirit Week graphic
We are excited to announce that EMSD now has a Spanish Facebook page. Please Like and follow if you would like to view district communications in Spanish. Estamos encantados de anunciar que EMSD tiene ahora una pagina de Facebook en español. Por favor, dale le guasta y sigue si desea ver las comunicaciones de distrito en español.
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
We are proud to introduce you to Allison Watts, our Wells Wildcat Spotlight for the week. Allison teaches 2nd grade at Wells Elementary School. We appreciate Allison for her leadership, professionalism, and positive attitude. Allison does what is best for kids. Thank you for your hard work, Allison. We appreciate you, and we are thankful to have you on our team. #EMSD37Pride
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
Spotlight graphic
Good morning! We are having a technical problem this morning that does not allow 4th graders to log on to their school Google accounts/Chromebooks. We will send an updated message when this is corrected. Until then, 4th graders who are learning at home today will not be able to access their school accounts and will not be marked tardy or absent for online work.
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
Happy Friday, Wells Families! Yesterday and today, your child brought home a snowflake from school. If your child is a remote only learner, there was a snowflake in your child’s third quarter supply bag. If you have not picked up your child’s third quarter materials, they may be picked up at the school. This snowflake was a celebration of your child’s hard work for the second quarter. At Wells, we are proud of the hard work and perseverance all of our students put into their learning. Way to go!!! Our PBIS team has a goal for our students. Our goal is to get less than 10 referrals total during the third quarter at Wells Elementary School. We can do this by being respectful, being responsible, and by being safe. We know we can do it, and we believe in you. Have an amazing weekend. Remember, there is no school on Monday, January 18th. ¡Feliz viernes, familias de Wells! Ayer y hoy, su hijo trajo a casa un copo de nieve de la escuela. Si su hijo es un aprendiz solo remoto, había un copo de nieve en la bolsa de suministros del tercer trimestre de su hijo. Si no ha recogido los materiales del tercer trimestre de su hijo, pueden recogerlos en la escuela. Este copo de nieve fue una celebración del arduo trabajo de su hijo durante el segundo trimestre. En Wells, estamos orgullosos del arduo trabajo y la perseverancia que todos nuestros estudiantes ponen en su aprendizaje. ¡¡¡Camino a seguir!!! Nuestro equipo de PBIS tiene una meta para nuestros estudiantes. Nuestro objetivo es obtener menos de 10 referencias en total durante el tercer trimestre en la Escuela Primaria Wells. ¡Podemos hacer esto siendo respetuosos, responsables y seguros! Sabemos que podemos hacerlo y creemos en ti. Que tengas un fin de semana increíble. Recuerde, no hay clases el lunes 18 de enero. Bon vendredi, Famille Wells! Hier et aujourd'hui, votre enfant a ramené à la maison un flocon de neige de l'école. Si votre enfant apprend seulement à distance, il y avait un flocon de neige dans le sac de fournitures du troisième trimestre de votre enfant. Si vous n'avez pas récupéré les documents du troisième trimestre de votre enfant, ils peuvent être récupérés à l'école. Ce flocon de neige était une célébration du travail acharné de votre enfant pour le deuxième trimestre. À Wells, nous sommes fiers du travail acharné et de la persévérance que tous nos étudiants mettent dans leur apprentissage. Marche à suivre!!! Notre équipe PBIS a un objectif pour nos étudiants. Notre objectif est d'obtenir moins de 10 références au total au cours du troisième trimestre à la Wells Elementary School. Nous pouvons le faire en étant respectueux, responsables et en sécurité! Nous savons que nous pouvons le faire et nous croyons en vous. Passez un week-end incroyable. N'oubliez pas qu'il n'y a pas d'école le lundi 18 janvier. جمعة سعيدة ، عائلات ويلز! بالأمس واليوم ، أحضر طفلك ندفة الثلج من المدرسة إلى المنزل. إذا كان طفلك متعلمًا عن بُعد فقط ، فقد كانت هناك ندفة ثلجية في حقيبة إمداد الربع الثالث لطفلك. إذا لم تكن قد التقطت مواد الربع الثالث لطفلك ، فقد يتم استلامها من المدرسة. كانت ندفة الثلج هذه احتفالًا بالعمل الشاق لطفلك في الربع الثاني. في ويلز ، نحن فخورون بالعمل الجاد والمثابرة التي بذلها جميع طلابنا في تعلمهم. أحسنت !!! فريق PBIS لدينا لديه هدف لطلابنا. هدفنا هو الحصول على أقل من 10 إحالات خلال الربع الثالث في مدرسة ويلز الابتدائية. يمكننا القيام بذلك من خلال التحلي بالاحترام والمسؤولية والأمان! نحن نعلم أنه يمكننا القيام بذلك ، ونحن نؤمن بك. أتمنى لك عطلة نهاية أسبوع رائعة. تذكر ، لا توجد مدرسة يوم الاثنين 18 يناير.
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
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There will be NO SCHOOL for EMSD on Monday, January 18th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr Day.
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
MLK Jr Day graphic
We are loving our new app! Access Live Feeds/social media posts, cafeteria menus, news updates, school calendar, and Skyward, right from your pocket.
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
Today is the End of 2nd Quarter.
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
End of 2nd Quarter graphic
This week in the Wildcat Spotlight, we also want to recognize Tony. Tony is also a custodian at Wells Elementary School who works hard to keep our building clean and safe for our students and staff members. Thank you, Tony for your continuous hard work ensuring our students have a safe place to learn. We appreciate you! Read below to learn a little bit about Tony. What is your favorite thing about Wells Elementary School? The staff interact well with each other and truly try to provide the students with the best learning environment possible. What is your favorite children’s book? Aesop’s Fable and The Giving Tree What do you do to relax? I spend time with my family.
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Lang
Spotlight graphic