Tax Information

Below are some resources regarding taxes which are withheld from your paycheck. If you have questions beyond these, please reach out to your tax advisor. The HR and business offices are not able to advise on tax matters. 

How can I access and print my electronic W2?

Your W2 can be accessed in Skyward Finance. Click here for detailed instructions.

How is the amount of taxes deducted from each paycheck determined? 

The amount of taxes that is deducted from each paycheck is calculated by Skyward based on your answers on your W-4 form. Those answers are designed to give some information about your household income and tax filing situation so that Skyward’s processes can calculate the estimated tax that should be withheld from each paycheck. 

When viewing your W2 in Skyward Finance, click the "How is my W2 calculated?" button for details specific to your W2.

How can I see what I chose on my W-4 form? 

To see the options you elected (Married, Single, Head of Household, etc.), log in to Skyward Finance, and navigate to: 

Employee Information → Payroll → W-4 Information.  

To see any additional withholding you have elected, look at your most recent paycheck stub in Skyward Finance. Additional withholding will be listed as: 

  • ADD FED TAX AMT (Additional Federal Tax Amount)

  • IL ADD STTX AMT (Additional IL State Tax Amount)

  • IA ADD STAX AMT (Additional Iowa State Tax Amount)

How can I see the effect of different choices on my paycheck? 

Skyward has a resource called Check Estimator which allows you to see the effect of different W-4 elections on your paycheck. Instructions for check estimator can be found here.

How can I determine the best deductions for my household? 

The IRS provides an online tax withholding estimator. Further questions should be directed to your tax advisor.

How can I change my elections?

To change your W-4 elections, you may download a new W-4 form using the links below and send it via email or district mail to Shelly Murphy ([email protected]).

If you have further questions regarding tax withholding, please email payroll specialist Julia Neal ([email protected]).