Attention incoming 5th-grade parents and students!
Please plan to attend the Transition to 5th Grade Parent Night. You will receive information about what it's like to be a part of Glenview Middle School , after-school clubs, and activities students can be involved in, and be able to ask questions about middle school.
7 months ago, Jessica Lang
Free family event, open to the community!
7 months ago, Jessica Lang
Attention incoming Kindergarten families.
7 months ago, Jessica Lang
Attention incoming 5th-grade parents and students!
Please plan to attend the Transition to 5th Grade Parent Night. You will receive information about what it's like to be a part of Glenview Middle School , after-school clubs and activities students can be involved in, and be able to ask questions about middle school.
EMSD's last day of school this year will be Wednesday, May 29th.
8 months ago, Jessica Lang
Attention incoming Kindergarten families.
8 months ago, Jessica Lang
-Tomorrow, Tuesday, April 9th is an early dismissal day. Elementary schools will dismiss at 11:30am, Glenview will dismiss at 10:55am.
-There is NO SCHOOL on Wednesday, April 10th.