about 9 hours ago, Jessica Lang
board of education graphic
Today's "The Secret Life of Teachers Podcast" features Mrs. Wils. Take a listen here → https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1527/GMS/5337310/SLOT_Mrs._Wils__Ephraim_and_Jalea_.mp3
2 days ago, Jessica Lang
podcast graphic
3-7-25 Announcements -There is no Track Practice Today. Athletes need to be ready for a full week of practice next week. The last day to sign up is on Tuesday. -Congratulations to the 8th grade basketball teams for their thrilling victory over the staff. Good luck in all your future endeavors! Go Gators! -The "Guiding Gator Award" is presented to student-athletes who exemplifies outstanding leadership both on and off the field. This award honors students who not only lead by example but also inspire their teammates through dedication, teamwork, and a positive attitude. The recipient of this award demonstrates the true spirit of our Gator community by guiding others to do the right thing. Congratulations to our 2025 recipients: Raighella Castillo Lily Martinez Travis Kinkead Yempabe Gogue Dylan Lane Gurpartap Singh Xzay Millard Kierson Griffith Donald Gamon Kevin Mwansa David Stone Wisdom Dogbe Chloe Glaub Jordan campbell David Omari Myles Robertson Tilly Brooks Zaiden Bell Victoria Reid Mishkat Bahkit Trynity Davis Melia Kuffler Aboubakr Bello Abozar Fahkri Maci Wright
2 days ago, Jessica Lang
3-6-25 Announcements -Latinx Workshop will meet after school today in the library. Gracias to all the members who have been working hard to plan the Women's HERstory event! Nos vemos hoy en la biblioteca a las 2:30. Email Mrs. Mojica if you have any questions. -Queens Collective girls group will meet after school today in Mr. Saint Fleur's room 113. Please bring your completed registration form with you. Mrs. Beechum and Mrs. Hayford will meet you there. -Today is the day! The Staff vs students game is after school. Admissions is $1 and the concession stand will be open for food purchase. The theme is Neon and glow sticks will be provided by Student Council. You must have a ride home to attend. The game will end at 4PM. Come pack the swamp and cheer on all the Gators.
3 days ago, Jessica Lang
4 days ago, Jessica Lang
3-5-25 Announcements -Congratulations to the following swimmers for event wins against Rock Island: Jasmine Perez Maddie Johanson Mia Armstrong Rachel Dyers Connor Adair Swimmers will head to Moline on Tuesday. -Queens Collective girls group will meet after school tomorrow in Mr. Saint Fleur's room 113. Please bring your completed registration form with you. Mrs. Beechum and Mrs. Hayford will meet you there. -This Thursday, Glenview Staff takes on the 8th grade girls and boys basketball teams. Admission is $1 and the concession stand will be open. The theme is Neon and glow sticks will be provided by the Student Council. Come pack the swamp and cheer on all the Gators.
4 days ago, Jessica Lang
REMINDER Tomorrow, Wednesday, March 5th, is an early dismissal day. Glenview will dismiss at 10:55am, all elementary schools will dismiss at 11:30am.
5 days ago, Jessica Lang
early dismissal graphic
3-4-25 Announcements -Latinx Workshop will meet today after school in the library. All members are asked to attend as we prepare for the Women's HERstory event next week. Email Mrs. Mojica if you have any questions. -Shoutout to the One By One study squads who are checking in on each other! Be sure to encourage greatness in all areas of school to keep your study squad eligible for the upcoming university tour. -This Thursday, Glenview Staff takes on the 8th grade girls and boys basketball teams. Admission is $1 and the concession stand will be open. The theme is Neon and glow sticks will be provided by the Student Council. Come pack the swamp and cheer on all the Gators.
5 days ago, Jessica Lang
3-3-25 Announcements -Congratulations to the following students who earned a top rating at the Quad City Open this past Saturday: Amir and Nola Duet The Glenview Woodwind Ensemble Amir Ezouine Azaliah Garcia The Glenview Brass Band Jay Kim Jinnie Horton Hossik & Landon Brenner The Glenview Percussion Ensemble Nola and Wisdom Duet Nola Tague Rachel Dyer Azaliah Duet Tinley Reyes Vanessa Abrahams Wisdom Dogbe The Glenview Woodwind Ensemble also scored Best of the Day! Congratulations! The following students received the second best score at QC Open: Analeigh and Tha Duet Arianna Martin Cassidy Clevenger Charbel Benissan Chikamara Nwodo-Ugo Cynthia Demyunck Daniel Benissan Emily Anderson Emily and Liana Duet Emily Jezabell Duet Izy Davis Jezabell Garcia Khloe Zimmerman Noah Warden Paizlee and Ashlyn Duet Raylie Horton Trio Tinley, Azaliah, and Paizlee Congrats Gator Musicians, we are proud of you! -The wrestling team had an amazing weekend. Congratulations to Mycah Duveyjonk, Bruce Howard , and Dakarion king for their hard work and determination, coming so close to state qualification. You all had an amazing season fellas. A special shoutout to Travis Kinkead for his impressive achievement in pinning his way to a sectional title! Qualifying for the state meet this upcoming weekend. We are proud of you Travis, Good luck at state! -Hey One By One members! Today is the start of working towards our upcoming university visit. Earning a tardy or behavior referral, TEP or OSS between March 3rd - April 21st will cause a student to become ineligible for the trip. No excuses. Stay focused in all areas of school! -Latinx Workshop will meet after school on Tuesday and Thursday this week. We need all members to attend as we prepare for our Women's HERstory event. Email Mrs. Mojica if you have any questions -This Thursday, Glenview Staff takes on the 8th grade girls and boys basketball teams. Admission is $1 and the concession stand will be open. The theme is Neon and glow sticks will be provided by the Student Council. Come pack the swamp and cheer on all the Gators. -Attention all 7th and 8th graders interested in joining the Glenview track team. Practice starts today in the East gym. To participate you must have a physical on file. If you have any questions, see Mr. Singleton. 8th graders are you interested in cheering at UT? Cheer tryouts for UT are coming up on April 1st and 2nd! Flyers and additional information can be found in the front office. If you have any questions or need more details, please see Ms. Tague. -Attention 7th and 8th graders! UT Choir members will work side by side with 7th & 8th grade students on March 13th as they explore singing through group songs, karaoke, and other music games. Students will learn 1-2 songs to perform on the finale concert plus 1 song to sing with the UT Choirs. Please register by seeing Ms. Woj. Registrations made by Mar. 7 are guaranteed t-shirts.
6 days ago, Jessica Lang
Read Across America SPIRIT WEEK starts on Monday!! Hope to see everyone dressed up for each theme day.
9 days ago, Jessica Lang
Read Across America Spirit Week graphic
Today's "The Secret Life of Teachers Podcast" features Mr. Z. Take a listen here → https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1527/GMS/5337307/SLOT_Mr._Z__Daniel_and_Kyndel_.mp3
9 days ago, Jessica Lang
podcast graphic
2-28-25 Announcements -The Girls Basketball Team finished up their season last night. We are proud of you! 8th grade good luck on your future seasons in High School. Best of Luck next year goes to Victoria Reid, Adasyn Robbins, Jurnee Moore, Hadiyatou Samah, Aleeyah Burrage, Mishkat Bahkit, and Zahra Fahkri, as you continue your journey as Lady Panthers! Coach Aceviz is proud of you all and loves you very much! 7th grade finished the season with 11 wins and 3 losses and looks poised to challenge for a conference championship, as 8th graders!! GO GATORS!!! -Latinx Workshop invites members and staff to kick off Women's HERstory month on Monday. Please wear your black or purple 'Hermana Strong' gear to honor the beauty and strength of ALL our hermanas! -Hey Latinx Workshop members! Make plans to attend after school meetings next week on Tuesday and Thursday. We need everyone's help to make the Women's HERstory event a success. Email Mrs. Mojica if you have any questions. -Thanks to the One By One members who attended yesterday's meeting. Stay student focused in all areas of school in order to join us on our university visit this spring. Earning tardy or behavior referrals, TEP, or OSS will cause a member to lose a spot on the trip! -Attention everyone! Glenview Staff takes on the 8th grade girls and boys basketball teams next Thursday. Admission is $1 and the concession stand will be open. The theme is Neon and glow sticks will be provided by the Student Council. Come pack the swamp and cheer on all the Gators. -Attention all 7th and 8th graders interested in joining the Glenview track team. Practice starts Monday in the East gym. To participate you must have a physical on file. If you have any questions, see Mr. Singleton. -8th graders are you interested in cheering at UT? Cheer tryouts for UT are coming up soon! Flyers and additional information can be found in the front office. If you have any questions or need more details, please see Ms. Tague. -Attention 7th and 8th graders! UT Choir members will work side by side with 7th & 8th grade students on March 13th as they explore singing through group songs, karaoke, and other music games. Students will learn 1-2 songs to perform on the finale concert plus 1 song to sing with the UT Choirs. Please register by seeing Ms. Woj. Registrations made by Mar. 7 are guaranteed t-shirts. -Flyers for the Jr.Panther spring Coed Flag Football are now available in the front office.
9 days ago, Jessica Lang
It's not too late to order! 2024-25 Yearbooks are on sale. Orders may only be placed online. If you place your order by 3-27-25, you will receive two FREE personalized pages. Order here → https://www.treering.com/purchase?PassCode=1016641119963016
10 days ago, Jessica Lang
yearbook graphic
2-27-25 Announcements -Attention everyone! We are one week away for an exciting showdown in the South Gym. As the Glenview Staff takes on the 8th grade girls and boys basketball teams. Admission is $1 and the concession stand will be open for food purchase. The theme is Neon and glow sticks will be provided by Student Council. Come pack the swamp and cheer on all the Gators. -Attention all 7th and 8th graders interested in joining the Glenview track team. Practice starts Monday in the East gym. To participate, you must have a physical on file. If you have any questions, see Mr. Singleton. -One By One will meet today after school in the library. Stop by to learn all about our university visit! Members must attend today's meeting to be eligible to go. Movie night baskets will also be available for pickup. Arrive with a charged Chromebook no later than 2:30. Email Mrs. Mojica or Mrs. Newton if you have any questions. -Latinx Workshop is kicking off Women's HERstory month on Monday and all staff are invited! Please wear your black or purple 'Hermana Strong' gear to honor the beauty and strength of our hermanas. -8th graders are you interested in cheering at UT? Cheer tryouts for UT are coming up soon! Flyers and additional information can be found in the front office. If you have any questions or need more details, please see Ms. Tague. -Board Together Club meets today in Room 149 -Yearbook Club will meet in room 302 until 3:45 today. We will take a group picture and work on pages. -Attention 7th and 8th graders! UT Choir members will work side by side with 7th & 8th grade students on March 13th as they explore singing through group songs, karaoke, and other music games. Students will learn 1-2 songs to perform on the finale concert plus 1 song to sing with the UT Choirs. Please register by seeing Ms. Woj. Registrations made by Mar. 7 are guaranteed t-shirts. -Flyers for the Jr.Panther spring Coed Flag Football are now available in the front office.
10 days ago, Jessica Lang
2-26-25 Announcements -8th graders are you interested in cheering at UT? Cheer tryouts for UT are coming up soon! Flyers and additional information can be found in the front office. If you have any questions or need more details, please see Ms. Tague. -Latinx Workshop will meet today after school in the library. Please bring your charged Chromebook. We need everyone's help as we prepare for our Women's HERstory event! Email Mrs. Mojica if you have any questions. -One By One has all the details on their upcoming university visit! Attend tomorrow's after school meeting to learn more. Email Mrs. Mojica or Mrs. Newton if you have any questions. -Board Together Club meets this Thursday in Room 149 -Yearbook Club will meet in room 302 until 3:45 on Thursday. We will take a group picture and work on pages. -Attention 7th and 8th graders! UT Choir members will work side by side with 7th & 8th grade students on March 13th as they explore singing through group songs, karaoke, and other music games. Students will learn 1-2 songs to perform on the finale concert plus 1 song to sing with the UT Choirs. Please register by seeing Ms. Woj. Registrations made by Mar. 7 are guaranteed t-shirts. -Attention all students! Spring is coming soon, and it's time to get active! Flyers for the Jr. Panther spring Coed Flag Football are now available in the front office. -Join us for the Blizzard Boogie tonight! The details are as follows: $3 for admission Concession stand will be available 5th & 6th Grade Dance is from 3 to 4pm 7th Grade Dance is from 430 to 545 5th and 6th graders attending the dance are allowed to stay after school in the gym. Please make sure you have a ride arranged afterwards. Hope to see you there!
11 days ago, Jessica Lang
2-25-25 Announcements -Good Luck to the 7th and 8th grade Girls' Basketball teams, who will play their last home game of the season tonight against the Wilson Wildcats. Come out, fill the Gator Swamp, and support the Lady Gators on a great season! -Latinx Workshop will meet tomorrow after school in the library, 2:30-4:00. We need everyone's help as we prepare for the Women's HERstory event in March. Members who plan on attending the school dance may wait with Mrs. Mojica until 4:30. -One By One will have their after school meeting on Thursday in the library. Stop by to learn details about our spring university visit! Email Mrs. Mojica or Mrs. Newton if you have any questions. -Yearbook Club will meet in room 302 until 3:45 on Thursday. We will take a group picture and work on pages. -Attention 7th and 8th graders! UT Choir members will work side by side with 7th & 8th grade students on March 13th as they explore singing through group songs, karaoke, and other music games. Students will learn 1-2 songs to perform on the finale concert plus 1 song to sing with the UT Choirs. Please register by seeing Ms. Woj. Registrations made by Mar. 7 are guaranteed t-shirts. -Attention all students! Spring is coming soon, and it's time to get active! Flyers for the Jr.Panther spring Coed Flag Football are now available in the front office. -The Blizzard Boogie dance is this Wednesday the 26th. The details are as follows: $3 for admission Concession stand will be available 5th & 6th Grade Dance is from 3 to 4pm 7th & 8th Grade Dance is from 430 to 545 5th and 6th graders attending the dance are allowed to stay after school in the gym. Please make sure you have a ride arranged afterwards. Hope to see you there!
12 days ago, Jessica Lang
Are you interested in early childhood for your 3 or 4 year old? Start here! Our screening schedules are now open for March, April, and May. Currently enrolled students do not need an updated screening. These screenings are the first step in having your child be considered for enrollment at the East Moline Early Learning Center, and are a great way to check-up on their overall development! Call today to schedule an appointment with Tara in our office!
12 days ago, Jessica Lang
developmental screenings graphic
Join us for the annual Football Golf Outing! It’s time to swing into action and support our teams while enjoying a fantastic day on the greens. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to support Glenview Football while enjoying a beautiful day of golf.
13 days ago, Jessica Lang
golf outing flyer
UTHS is hosting a Choir Clinic called "Harmony Day" for all 7th and 8th graders, combined with our concert on March 13th. Families will need to provide transportation to and from the event; it will run 3:30pm-8:00pm. $10 registration includes a t-shirt, pizza dinner, and music. Choir Clinic Registration: https://forms.gle/NGibd79YkRDpsomS7 Choir Website: https://us01.z.antigena.com/l/7qpVvSumllvDZg_pncfjKGz6G4qSXUuFhkl_0c8vkyo9eRyr~GTWIWxPzqsw098rCC4fxN08FXb5ly5-IJj-Ud-pq5khG-t82vGSQlTkODGIV00Y6VVdaQYOGrPYZjic35gRq3_dsH3DQDljKZ3HKmJpfwQQrcpNX5aUKTPcgRoIb9szT4Ag3m
13 days ago, Jessica Lang
UT Choir Clinic invitation graphic
UT Choir Clinic Event Schedule
2-25-25 Announcements -Congratulations to our wrestlers who competed at the IESA regional this past weekend. Special shout out to: Bruce Howard-Champion Dakarion King -2nd Place Travis Kinkead- 2nd Place Mycah Duyvejonck -3rd Place These four athletes have punched their tickets to sectionals this upcoming weekend in DeKalb, where they’ll compete for a spot at the State Championships. Good luck Gators! -Attention all students! Spring is coming soon, and it's time to get active! Flyers for the Jr.Panther spring Coed Flag Football are now available in the front office. -The Blizzard Boogie dance is this Wednesday the 26th. The details are as follows: $3 for admission Concession stand will be available 5th & 6th Grade Dance is from 3 to 4pm 7th & 8th Grade Dance is from 430 to 545 5th and 6th graders attending the dance are allowed to stay after school in the gym. Please make sure you have a ride arranged afterwards. Hope to see you there!
13 days ago, Jessica Lang